Each of our clinics have a pharmacy conveniently located on site (except Chelsea Arcade Medical) to meet your healthcare needs. Open 7 days a week, the pharmacists are always close at hand to assist with prescriptions, dispense medicines, and offer prescription advice. Through professional service, the pharmacists aim to provide an unparalleled standard of care for all our patients. Following is our on-site pharmacies list and they can be directly contacted as required.
Heidelberg West Medical
Direct Chemist Outlet Heidelberg West
Shop 1, 15-23 The Mall, Bell St.
Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Ph: (03) 9457 5455
Open 7 Days
Monday to Friday : 8.30 am to 6.30 pm
Saturday : 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Sunday : 10.00 am to 3.00 pm